Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wet Bags!

I have been wanting to make a wet bag for our cloth napkins that I made a few weeks ago. We went to the fabric store the other day to check prices and look at the PUL material {which is waterproof}. I personally think that 14.99 a yard is a little expensive in my book. So I thought maybe another day. So today I decided I was going to find a way to make one. I started to google wet bags. And this is the site that I liked the most and seemed easiest, Little Birdie Secrets. After looking it over I got my material from around the house. When I go to the Dollar Tree I normally buy 3-4 shower curtains at a time {they rip so easy} so I go to my stash and get one. I then go looking for a receiving blanket {the really small ones that you can't swaddle a baby in}. I forgot to add that I am a sewing beginner, I haven't put a zipper in yet nor do I even have any. So I decide to just skip that, I will figure a way to hang it. So I sew my blanket and shower curtain together and them trim the edges. I fold the blanket in half with the blanket on the inside and the curtain on the outside. I sew the side seams together. I took a strip of blanket and folded the raw edges in and used my zig zag stich to go down the center of the strip. I cut them to make 4 strips. I then took them and sewed them onto the plastic at the top of the bag. Once I was done I took the bag and turned it inside out so that fabric was on the outside, I turned the top over at the opening to make a smooth edge and folded the ties for extra leverage while hanging off the stove. Above was my end product. I was quite proud of my little wet bag! Below are the napkins I made. {I will post how to make those later, super EASY!}

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Little Love

Last week my little love {Ethan} went to see the eye doctor. He was having issues with his eye turning and they thought something might be wrong with his muscles. Well after a full exam and having his eyes dilated, he is just about blind. So off to Wal-Mart we go. We pick out his new glasses and return home. My oldest love {Emma} is away at VBS. When she comes home we relay the news of brother's new glasses. My poor sweet girl is so upset that her brother is going to have to wear glasses that she breaks down crying. I swear sometimes she has the biggest heart! We wait just about week and Wal-Mart calls to tell us {Saturday} that little loves glasses are ready for pick up. We rush to get ready to go and get them. When we arrive the ladies are very eager to help him into his new glasses. He puts them on... and starts looking around like a new born baby. It is so amazing to watch someone for the first time actually see what everyone else is seeing. He was amazed at what he was missing out on. He kept watching the floor and taking baby steps... It was simply beautiful. Today marks day number 4 of glasses wearing. His face looks like it was meant for glasses. He has done so well with them! I am so happy he can finally see.