Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wet Bags!

I have been wanting to make a wet bag for our cloth napkins that I made a few weeks ago. We went to the fabric store the other day to check prices and look at the PUL material {which is waterproof}. I personally think that 14.99 a yard is a little expensive in my book. So I thought maybe another day. So today I decided I was going to find a way to make one. I started to google wet bags. And this is the site that I liked the most and seemed easiest, Little Birdie Secrets. After looking it over I got my material from around the house. When I go to the Dollar Tree I normally buy 3-4 shower curtains at a time {they rip so easy} so I go to my stash and get one. I then go looking for a receiving blanket {the really small ones that you can't swaddle a baby in}. I forgot to add that I am a sewing beginner, I haven't put a zipper in yet nor do I even have any. So I decide to just skip that, I will figure a way to hang it. So I sew my blanket and shower curtain together and them trim the edges. I fold the blanket in half with the blanket on the inside and the curtain on the outside. I sew the side seams together. I took a strip of blanket and folded the raw edges in and used my zig zag stich to go down the center of the strip. I cut them to make 4 strips. I then took them and sewed them onto the plastic at the top of the bag. Once I was done I took the bag and turned it inside out so that fabric was on the outside, I turned the top over at the opening to make a smooth edge and folded the ties for extra leverage while hanging off the stove. Above was my end product. I was quite proud of my little wet bag! Below are the napkins I made. {I will post how to make those later, super EASY!}


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