Cloth Diapers
I decided when I got pregnant that I was going to cloth diaper. I have been on this money saving kick for a while and after MANY hours and internet searching I figured out that cloth diapers would save us a bundle. I looked at a lot of different types of diapers and decided to go with a lady I found on Facebook. The name of her company is Diapeze. I really liked that she was her own company and she handmade everything. Tim and I picked out the colors we wanted and I sent in my order! I couldn't be happier with the choice and company we went with! I LOVE her products! Emmett loves them too! I am sure he feels like he is peeing & pooping on a cloud! : )
So here is a run down of what I do:
I have 10 diapeze and 6 bumGenius (that I got from a friend). I washed them Saturday and again Monday. So every other day it takes me to go through them. When Emmett poops in them I just take them and put them in the bucket, the bucket is filled with water and a tsp of Arm & Hammer Washing Soap. I let it sit over night and then when I go to wash everything I take the bucket to the bath tub and just run water into it the bucket and spray the "fully loaded" diapers out with a sprayer. Then I run a hot load. I hang all my diapers to try and preserve the elastic. If there is a stain I lay them in the sun and it gets the stain out. I also use cloth wipes. Which I love!!! Anyways, this is our system and so far it seems to work perfectly!!