Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Gardner Science Time

So this week we did this REALLY neat volcano project! It was in Emma's science book for this week. The kids enjoyed this project so much that we might be making another one in the near future! For this we made our own "clay dough" which I got off the internet. 

We put a bottle in the middle to hold the baking soda for the "explosion" and added vinegar to make it explode. We took food coloring and made the land and the ocean. It wouldn't have been a complete volcano without men running for their lives, so we added G.I. Joe's which Ethan thought was a great touch. 

Here are 2 video's of our "Great Explosion"
{This is the mild version}

Tim got a little carried away with the baking soda.... But it was worth it! The kids enjoyed it!!
{This is the hardcore version}

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dishwasher Detergent

So as you all know I am all about making my own cleaning supplies, especially when it is going to save me money in the long run. I ran across a blog that shared how to make it. So.. I took matters into my own hands and made my own!!! I have used it twice and I LOVE it!!! I have no idea how long it will last.. but I am guessing a pretty long time! Here is the break down!

Lemi Shine - $3.19 {Add to each load in the bottom of the wash, I tried it without and I had spots.}
Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda - $2.40
Borax - $3.39
Epsom Salt - $2.86 
4 packages of unsweetened lemonade drink mix {Kool-aid} - .20 each = $4.80

Which brought my grand total to: $16.64 

So to make this, follow these steps:

1 box Borax (4lbs 12 oz or 76 oz ) (2.15 kg) 

1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (55 oz or 3 lbs 7 oz) 
24 packages of unsweetened lemonade drink mix, like kool-aid. (**Note: lemonade will stain soap dispenser yellow, another option would be to use citric acid instead of lemonade. You can usually find citric acid in the canning isle )
3 cups Epsom Salt

I mixed everything in a bucket and shook it all together. Then I put it all into this container that keeps the air out and store it under the sink next to the dishwasher.

The blog I give credit to: Being Creative to Keep My Sanity

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Epiphany House Blessing

{Our beautifully + blessed + door}

Tonight my family and I blessed our home... This is the first time we have ever done this. I felt very joyful as my husband read the instructions and I wrote the numbers and letters on our door. I am very proud that we are Catholic... so not only did we write it on the inside of our door but on the outside as well. I want to thank MCCW {Military Council of Catholic Women} for giving us the supplies. If you would like to take part in blessing your own home.. you can find instructions here Catholic Icing. This is a GREAT site with GREAT resources for just about anything Catholic!!

{Holy water and a blessing}

Guess WHAT?!?!?!

A blessing from God... We will welcome our new addition on or around 6-28-2012!!!